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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My experience with the Law of Attraction

Today I will attempt to review the self help lifestyle and belief system known as the Law of Attraction.

Wiki says: 
The Law of Attraction is a metaphysical New Thought belief that "like attracts like,” that positive and negative thinking bring about positive and negative physical results, respectively. [1] [2] [3][4] [5] According to the Law of Attraction, the phrase "I need more money" allows the subject to continue to "need more money". If the subject wants to change this they would focus their thoughts on the goal (having more money) rather than the problem (needing more money). This might take the form of phrases such as "I will make more money" or "I will find a job that pays very well".

I Say:
For example, we wouldn't think about an anti war rally because that would bring more war, we instead would focus on a peace gathering. Ok lets look at this from a realist approach. Whether there is some metaphysical property being tapped into, or you are just seeing the cup from a half full perspective is kind of irrelevant if the outcome is still the same. What is reality is the analog pattern of positive energy that is sent rippling off into the universe whenever a positive emotion is felt. Its starting a new self similar pattern of life experience into existence. You will start noticing the happy times increasing, and its not the fact that its actually increasing, its just the fact that you are paying less attention to the negative downtime in your life. You are actually able to enjoy life with a sense of freedom from the binding chains of "not good enough" slavery that is pushed onto you by the capitalist interpretation of survival of the fittest around every corner in todays society. What separates you and the next person, you are doing it, and they are not. People admire effort. People need admiration. Its just win win win win, all the way around, you think happy, cheerful thoughts, you get to expect the best things in life, you accept that negative things happen, but have  the power to not dwell because that will bring more negative emotions, that will cause you to NOTICE the other negative things that are always there, like all the beautiful things that are always there that you  NOTICE more when you are feeling like noticing them. It boils down to , how i feel, effects how i interpret my surroundings, there for directly effecting the outcome of every situation that i encounter. Law of Attraction is a real property that you should be aware of, whether its a physical law like gravity, or whether its simply choices leading to consequences and then you being accountable, is uncertain to me, but i know the kind of person i feel like when i am thinking with those positive patterns and algorithms versus taking the negative Nancy pursuit. I notice and i am also grateful for all the positive things that do happen in my life. I am deff less depressed. Deff with more money. Deff with a brighter outlook. Deff have all the things that keep me feeling this way because i personally set myself up to receive these things.


  1. Great post man. I really like all the content of your blog!

  2. Great post.
    I had amazon sales for a month but I couldnt seel nothing. It's a rather waste of time. But if you do manage to sell something youll get a pretty high percentage.

  3. good stuff..

  4. interesting, following for more
    check out my blog sometime :-)

  5. i believe this stuff, speaking from experience

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  7. I think you may be on to something! I think I'll be reading your post from now on ;)

  8. good stuff. i like your blog, now following.

  9. LOL Isaac!... But seriously will it?!?!!?

    Follow my blog!

  10. Interesting way to look at things. It's true though, good vibes bring good vibes.

    Following and supporting. :)

  11. living without the chains of feeling not good enough is very enlightening! Great post I'll def be back to read more.

  12. isaac, yea man, it will get u laid a few times

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